Playback Library


Playback client, suitable for both off-screen and on-screen reception, allows you to receive and watch live streams via any modern streaming protocol. On-screen reception is provided as an UI component, specific for each platform, along with video and audio decoders and renderers. Off-screen reception can be used to obtain original compressed frames received from remote peer as well as it provides the ability to decode frames and get uncompressed data for further processing in user code.


VASTreaming relies on native APIs and frameworks available on each supported platform for decoding and rendering.

On Windows, Media Foundation is used for decoding, Direct3D - for video rendering, and WASAPI - for audio rendering. The latest addition is a compatible video renderer utilizing standard UI components to be able to visualize video even on virtual machines and remote access sessions. UI controls are available for Winforms, WPF, and UWP.

On iOS, AVFoundation is used for decoding and rendering. UI controls are available for Xamarin.Forms and native Objective-C applications.

On Android, is used for decoding and android.views.SurfaceView - for video rendering. UI controls are available for Xamarin.Forms and native Java applications.

Low latency

One of the features that makes our product outstanding is a low latency which can be critical for such applications as surveillance, game streaming etc. Typical latency of VASTreaming library on LAN while using low latency protocol e.g., RTMP, RTSP, RTP, is 200-300 milliseconds.

File writing

It is important to stress out that a live stream received using off- or on-screen means can be written into a local MP4 file.


VASTreaming playback library is available for Android, iOS, and Windows. The library exists in the following languages/frameworks:

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